Wrestling and Wartburg: The Bubbs' Legacy

Larry and Karen Bubb

Larry and Karen Bubb

Larry and Karen Bubb have been wrestling enthusiasts for as long as they can remember. Larry grew up in Pennsylvania where wrestling is big. He was glad to move to Waverly in 1990, knowing how strong the wrestling program was across the state of Iowa.

Then he discovered the wrestling program at Wartburg College. Once he saw how committed coaches Jim Miller and Eric Keller were to the success of the student wrestlers, he and Karen became very engaged with the program.

"It's been a pleasure to watch the students and get to know many of them personally," says Larry. "Karen and I continue to be impressed with not only the ability of the student wrestlers that our coaches recruit, but also the quality of those students. They're driven to succeed in both wrestling and in life."

Even though Larry visits Waverly often for his business, he and Karen live in Prior Lake, Minnesota. They are proud to say they've been to every @]Short2] wrestling event since Karen retired nine years ago.

It was natural for them to endow their annual support for wrestling with a planned gift. Through a beneficiary designation of a life insurance policy, the Bubbs are ensuring that their support will continue in perpetuity. Their gift will create a named fund in the Knights Legacy Circle.

"We feel very good about doing our part to keep this wonderfully successful program going for years to come."

Invest in Your @]Short2] Passion

You can follow in the Bubbs' footsteps and make a meaningful difference at Wartburg College that will endure for years to come. Contact Jay Boeding, CFRE at jay.boeding@wartburg.edu or 319-352-8487 to learn more.