Thank You for the Wartburg Experience

Wartburg Alumnus Commits To Transforming Tomorrow

Paul Blobaum

Paul Blobaum '81 has established a scholarship for students studying performance arts.

When Paul Blobaum '81 was asked to consider an estate gift as part of his Transforming Tomorrow campaign commitment, he responded without hesitation.

"I would not have been able to complete my education at Wartburg without financial aid and scholarships. I received a great education at Wartburg and was supported socially, academically and spiritually," Paul says. "I am thankful for this opportunity to express my gratitude for the Wartburg experience. I was happy to make a deferred gift commitment to the Transforming Tomorrow campaign for all these reasons."

Paul feels his experiences in campus ministry, the Wartburg Concert Band, and studying abroad in Japan enriched his life and equipped him to serve others. He is convinced Wartburg students today are prepared to be global citizens and leaders in their communities, and is glad his gift will help make that happen for future generations of students.

Paul is a librarian and a professor at Governors State University in University Park, IL. During his time at Wartburg, he was a music major who specialized in organ performance. He is very thankful for the relationships he had with committed faculty members, especially his music professors. His estate gift will establish the Paul Blobaum Scholarship, which will go to students in organ performance and other performing arts.

Paul concludes, "Making an estate plan that includes Wartburg gives me great pleasure in knowing that my gift will help make the Wartburg experience attainable for many others in the future."

Learn More Today

Learn more about the ways you can honor your Wartburg memories with a planned gift. Contact Jay Boeding, CFRE at 319-352-8487 or